Your 3 month supply should be made up of items your family buys and uses regularly. These are items you can buy at the grocery store and have a shorter shelf life than your long term supply. One method to building up your 3 month supply is to plan a week’s worth of meals (7 breakfasts, 7 lunches, 7 dinners) and then multiply the ingredients needs for those meals by 12. You’ll know exactly what you’ll need to buy to sustain your family for three months of food storage.
Let's Get Started!
1. Make a list of your family's favorite meals (or check out our lists below).
2. Convert your meals into a shelf stable version. You can use
this chart to help you convert perishable items into shelf stable ones.
3. Take all the grocery items needed to make those meals and multiply them by 12. This means you will have enough food to make those meals for 12 weeks, or 3 months of food!
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